September 5, 2012

Day 25 - Cue The Magic

"Life is playfulness.. We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us."
Flora Colao (B.1954)
Writer and Therapist

Today's practice, Cue The Magic, is one of my favorite practices, because it's a game you play with the Universe, and it's a lot of fun!

Imagine That the Universe is friendly and caring, and that it wants you to have everything you want in life. Because the Universe can't just walk up and hand you what you want, it uses the law of attraction to give you signs and cues to help you receive your dreams. The Universe knows you have to feel gratitude to bring forth your dreams, so it plays its part in the fame by giving you personal cues to remind you to be grateful. It uses the people, circumstances, and events that surround you in your day as your magic cues to be grateful. It works like this:

If you hear an ambulance siren, the magic cue from the Universe is to be grateful for perfect health. If you see a police car, your magic cue is to be grateful for safety and security. If you see someone reading a newspaper, it's your magic cue to be thankful for great news.

If you want to change the weight of your body, when you see another person with you perfect weight, it's your magic cue from the Universe to be thankful for your perfect weight. If you want a romantic partner, when you see a couple madly in love it's your magic cue to be grateful for the perfect partner. If you want to have a family, when you see babies and children, take the magic cue and be grateful for children. When you pass by your bank, or an ATM, it's your magic cue to be grateful for plenty of money. When you arrive at home, it's your magic cue to be grateful for your home, and when a neighbor calls in to have a cup of coffee, or you wave to them across the street, it0s your magic cue to be grateful for your neighbors.

If you happen to see one of your material desires on your list, such as your dream house car, motorcycle, shoes, or computer, of course it's your magic cue from the Universe to be grateful for your desire now!

When you begin a new day, and someone says, "Good morning", you're being given a magic cue to be grateful for the good morning. If you come across someone who is really happy, it's your magic cue to be grateful for happiness. And if you overhear another person saying thank you, anywhere at anytime, it's your magic cue to say thank you!

There are unlimited and creative ways the Universe has to magically cue you to be grateful in your day-to-day activities. You can never misunderstood a magic cue or get a cue wrong, because whatever you think a cue is for, you're right! The Universe uses the law of attraction to magically cue you, and so you always attract the exact cues that you need to be grateful for in that moment.

Cue The Magic has become a daily game I play, and with practice, I now automatically see all the magic cues the Universe gives me, and I give thanks for every one of them. It never ceases to thrill and amaze me how the Universe finds new ways to cue me to set the magic of gratitude into motion!

When I receive a phone call from a friend or family member, it's a cu to be grateful for him or her. When someone says, "Isn't it a beautiful day", it's a cue to be grateful for the beautiful weather where I live, and for another beautiful day. If an appliance breaks down, it's a cue to be grateful for my appliances that are working perfectly. If a plant in my harden is struggling, it's a cue to be grateful for all the healthy plants in my harden. When I collect the mail, it's a cue to be grateful for the mail service, and for unexpected checks. When someone says they have to go to an ATM, or I see people in line at an ATM, it's a cue to be grateful for money. If a person I know comes down with sickness, it's a cue to be grateful for their health and mine. When I open my curtains in the morning and see the new day, it's a cue to be grateful for the great day ahead. And when I close my curtains at night, it's a cue to be grateful for the great day I had.

To play Cue The Magic today, all you have to do is be alert enough to take seven magic cues from the Universe during the day, and five tanks for each one of them. For example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say, "Thank you for my perfect weight!" You can never do too much gratitude, so you can choose to do more, and if you want, you can even try to respond to as many magic cues in one day as you can. If you've been following the daily magical practices over the last 24 days, you will have reached a point by now where you will be alert enough to notice the cues the Universe is always giving to you. One of the many benefits of gratitude's magical power is that it wakes you up, and makes you far more alert and aware. And the more alert and aware you become, the more grateful you become, and the more easily you attract your dreams. So, Universe - cue the magic!

Magic Practice Number 25

Cue The Magic

1. Count Your Blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

2. Today, be alert to what's around you, and take at least seven gratitude cues from the events in your day. For example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say, "Thank you for my perfect weight!"

3. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Day 24 - The Magic Wand

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand so that you could just wave your wand and help the people you love? Well, today's magical practice will show you how you can use life's real Magic Wand to help others!

When you fervently want to help another person you have immense power, but when you direct that power with gratitude, you really do have a Magic Wand that can help the people you care about.

Energy flows where your attention goes, and so when you direct the energy of gratitude toward another person's needs, that's where the energy goes. This is the very reason why Jesus said thank you before he performed a miracle. Gratitude is an invisible but real force of energy, ad coupled with the energy of your desire it is just like having a Magic Wand.

"People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they ARE the magic wand."
Thomas Leonard (1955-2003)
Personal Developer Coach

If you have a family member, friend, or anyone you care about who is lacking physical health, in financial trouble, unhappy in their work, stressed, suffering because a relationship has ended, lost confidence in him or herself, suffering from mental problems, or feeling down about their life, you can use the invisible force of gratitude to help them with their health, wealth, and happiness.

To wave your Magic Wand for another's health, imagine that the person's health has been fully restored, and say the magic words, thank you, in heartfelt celebration of receiving the news that he or she is full of health again. You could imagine the person calling you to give you the news, or imagine them telling you i person, and really see and feel your reaction. When you an feel as grateful now as you would when you heard the news that person's health had been fully restored it will guarantee that the gratitude you feel is as sincere and as powerful as it can be.

To wave you Magic Wand to help someone you love with their wealth, follow the same magical practice, and be as grateful as if they had the wealth they needed right now. Imagine their wealth has been fully restored, it is done, and you're saying the magic words, thank you, because you've just received the amazing news.

If a person you know is going through a tough time, but you don't know what specifically they need, or if they need help in more than one area, then you can follow the same magical practice and wave your Magic Wand by giving thanks for their happiness,or for their health, wealth, and happiness together.

Today choose three people you care about who are currently in need of health, wealth, or happiness, or all the three. Get a photograph or each person if you have one, and keep the photographs in front of you while doing this practice.

Take the first person, fold their photograph in your hand, then close your eyes and for one minute visualize yourself receiving the news that the person has been fully restored with whatever they need. It is much easier to visualize yourself receiving the news than it is to visualize, for example, an ill person healthy again, or a depressed person happy again, or financially stressed person abundant again. And you will feel more excitement and gratitude if you involve yourself in your visualization.

Open your eyes and with the photograph still in your hand, say the magic words thank you, slowly three times, for that person's health, wealth, or happiness, or whatever combination they need:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for     Name's     health, wealth, or happiness.

As you finish with one person, move on to the next person, and follow the same two steps until you've finished the Magic Wand practice by sending health, wealth, or happiness to all three people.

You can also use this powerful practice when you're walking down the street or going about your day and you come across someone who is obviously lacking happiness, health or wealth. Imagine you have a Magic Wand, and in your mind wave it by giving heartfelt thanks for their wealth, health, and happiness, and know that you have set a real force of energy into motion.

Using gratitude to help someone else with his or her health, wealth, and happiness is the single greatest act of gratitude you can perform. And one of the magical things about it is that the health, wealth, and happiness you fervently wish for others, you also bring to yourself.

Magic Practice Number 24

The Magic Wand

1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

2. Choose three people who you care about and who you would like to help with more health, wealth, happiness, or all three.

3. If you have them, collect a photograph of each of the three people, and keep it in front of you while doing the Magic Wand practice.

4. Take one person at a time, and hold their photograph in your hand. Close your eyes and for one minute visualize the person's health, wealth, or happiness has been fully restored, and you're receiving the news.

5. Open your eyes, and with the photograph still in your hand, say the magic words slowly: "Thank you. thank you, thank you for     Name's   health, wealth, or happiness."

6. As you finish with one person, move on to the next person, and follow the same two steps until you've finished the Magic Wand practice for all three people.

7. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.